High Induction Services
Most automobiles and other larger products can feature a wide selection of different metals and materials. That means you need an effective way to join these various materials together to bring your finished product to life. That is where the high-frequency induction services from KNB Tools of America Inc. steps in to help.
Our team of engineers is skilled when it comes to brazing, which is why more and more companies turn to us to take advantage of our advanced induction heating system. Using only the best in silver brazing filler metal, our specialists are able to create sturdy and durable joints that are going to stay put through regular wear and tear. Contact us today to learn more about how our brazing services can benefit you.

Quality Results
The complete satisfaction of our customers is very important to us. That is why, when it comes to our custom-designed tool services, we work hard to be second to none. Not only do all of our engineers go through extensive training, but we also review all of our work before we complete a project. This extra protection for our customers is sure to make them trust us whenever they require any services for cutting tools.